Source code for posebench.__init__

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# Following code curated for PoseBench: (
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import importlib
import os
from typing import Any

from omegaconf import OmegaConf

    "diffdock": "DiffDock",
    "fabind": "FABind",
    "dynamicbind": "DynamicBind",
    "neuralplexer": "NeuralPLexer",
    "rfaa": "RoseTTAFold-All-Atom",
    "vina": "Vina",
    "tulip": "TULIP",
    "p2rank": "P2Rank",

STANDARDIZED_DIR_METHODS = ["diffdock", "fabind"]

[docs] def resolve_omegaconf_variable(variable_path: str) -> Any: """Resolve an OmegaConf variable path to its value.""" # split the string into parts using the dot separator parts = variable_path.rsplit(".", 1) # get the module name from the first part of the path module_name = parts[0] # dynamically import the module using the module name try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) # use the imported module to get the requested attribute value attribute = getattr(module, parts[1]) except Exception: module = importlib.import_module(".".join(module_name.split(".")[:-1])) inner_module = ".".join(module_name.split(".")[-1:]) # use the imported module to get the requested attribute value attribute = getattr(getattr(module, inner_module), parts[1]) return attribute
[docs] def resolve_method_title(method: str) -> str: """Resolve the method title for a given method. :param method: The method name. :return: The method title for the given method. """ return METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method)
[docs] def resolve_method_protein_dir( method: str, dataset: str, repeat_index: int, pocket_only_baseline: bool ) -> str: """Resolve the protein directory for a given method. :param method: The method name. :param dataset: The dataset name. :param repeat_index: The repeat index for the method. :param pocket_only_baseline: Whether to return protein files for a pocket-only baseline. :return: The protein directory for the given method. """ pocket_postfix = "_bs_cropped" if pocket_only_baseline else "" if method in STANDARDIZED_DIR_METHODS or method in ["vina", "tulip"]: return ( os.path.join( "data", f"{dataset}_set", f"{dataset}_holo_aligned_esmfold_structures{pocket_postfix}", ) if os.path.exists( os.path.join( "data", f"{dataset}_set", f"{dataset}_holo_aligned_esmfold_structures{pocket_postfix}", ) ) else os.path.join( "data", f"{dataset}_set", "predicted_structures" if dataset == "casp15" else f"{dataset}_esmfold_structures", ) ) elif method == "dynamicbind": return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", "outputs", "results", dataset, ) elif method in ["neuralplexer", "rfaa"]: return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", f"{method}_{dataset}_outputs_{repeat_index}", ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid method: {method}")
[docs] def resolve_method_ligand_dir( method: str, dataset: str, vina_binding_site_method: str, repeat_index: int ) -> str: """Resolve the ligand directory for a given method. :param method: The method name. :param dataset: The dataset name. :param vina_binding_site_method: The binding site method used for Vina. :param repeat_index: The repeat index for the method. :return: The ligand directory for the given method. """ if method in STANDARDIZED_DIR_METHODS or method in ["neuralplexer", "rfaa", "tulip"]: return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", f"{method}_{dataset}_output{'s' if method in ['neuralplexer', 'rfaa', 'tulip'] else ''}_{repeat_index}", ) elif method == "dynamicbind": return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", "outputs", "results", dataset, ) elif method == "vina": return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", f"vina_{vina_binding_site_method}_{dataset}_outputs_{repeat_index}", ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid method: {method}")
[docs] def resolve_method_output_dir( method: str, dataset: str, vina_binding_site_method: str, ensemble_ranking_method: str, repeat_index: int, ) -> str: """Resolve the output directory for a given method. :param method: The method name. :param dataset: The dataset name. :param vina_binding_site_method: The binding site method used for Vina. :param ensemble_ranking_method: The ranking method used for the ensemble method. :param repeat_index: The repeat index for the method. :return: The output directory for the given method. """ if method in STANDARDIZED_DIR_METHODS or method in ["neuralplexer", "rfaa", "tulip"]: return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", f"{method}_{dataset}_output{'s' if method in ['neuralplexer', 'rfaa', 'tulip'] else ''}_{repeat_index}", ) elif method == "dynamicbind": return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", "outputs", "results", f"{dataset}_{repeat_index}", ) elif method in ["vina", "p2rank"]: return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", f"vina_{vina_binding_site_method}_{dataset}_outputs_{repeat_index}", ) elif method == "ensemble": return os.path.join( "data", "test_cases", dataset, f"top_{ensemble_ranking_method}_ensemble_predictions_{repeat_index}", ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid method: {method}")
[docs] def resolve_method_input_csv_path(method: str, dataset: str) -> str: """Resolve the input CSV path for a given method. :param method: The method name. :param dataset: The dataset name. :return: The input CSV path for the given method. """ if method in STANDARDIZED_DIR_METHODS or method in ["neuralplexer", "rfaa", "vina", "tulip"]: return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", f"{method}_{dataset}_inputs.csv", ) elif method == "dynamicbind": return os.path.join( "forks", METHOD_TITLE_MAPPING.get(method, method), "inference", f"{method}_{dataset}_inputs", ) elif method == "ensemble": return os.path.join( "data", "test_cases", dataset, "ensemble_inputs.csv", ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid method: {method}")
[docs] def register_custom_omegaconf_resolvers(): """Register custom OmegaConf resolvers.""" OmegaConf.register_new_resolver( "resolve_variable", lambda variable_path: resolve_omegaconf_variable(variable_path) ) OmegaConf.register_new_resolver( "resolve_method_title", lambda method: resolve_method_title(method), ) OmegaConf.register_new_resolver( "resolve_method_protein_dir", lambda method, dataset, repeat_index, pocket_only_baseline: resolve_method_protein_dir( method, dataset, repeat_index, pocket_only_baseline ), ) OmegaConf.register_new_resolver( "resolve_method_ligand_dir", lambda method, dataset, vina_binding_site_method, repeat_index: resolve_method_ligand_dir( method, dataset, vina_binding_site_method, repeat_index, ), ) OmegaConf.register_new_resolver( "resolve_method_output_dir", lambda method, dataset, vina_binding_site_method, ensemble_ranking_method, repeat_index: resolve_method_output_dir( method, dataset, vina_binding_site_method, ensemble_ranking_method, repeat_index, ), ) OmegaConf.register_new_resolver( "resolve_method_input_csv_path", lambda method, dataset: resolve_method_input_csv_path(method, dataset), )