# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Following code curated for PoseBench: (https://github.com/BioinfoMachineLearning/PoseBench)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import glob
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess # nosec
from collections import defaultdict
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
import rootutils
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union
from Bio import PDB
from Bio.PDB import PDBParser
from Bio.PDB.Polypeptide import is_aa
from Bio.PDB.Structure import Structure
from biopandas.pdb import PandasPdb
from prody import parsePDB, writePDB, writePDBStream
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from tqdm import tqdm
rootutils.setup_root(__file__, indicator=".project-root", pythonpath=True)
from posebench.data.components.protein_apo_to_holo_alignment import read_molecule
logging.basicConfig(format="[%(asctime)s] {%(filename)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Constants.
"ALA": "A",
"ARG": "R",
"ASN": "N",
"ASP": "D",
"CYS": "C",
"GLN": "Q",
"GLU": "E",
"GLY": "G",
"HIS": "H",
"ILE": "I",
"LEU": "L",
"LYS": "K",
"MET": "M",
"PHE": "F",
"PRO": "P",
"SER": "S",
"THR": "T",
"TRP": "W",
"TYR": "Y",
"VAL": "V",
0: "A",
1: "C", # Also U.
2: "D", # Also B.
3: "E", # Also Z.
4: "F",
5: "G",
6: "H",
7: "I",
8: "K",
9: "L",
10: "M",
11: "N",
12: "P",
13: "Q",
14: "R",
15: "S",
16: "T",
17: "V",
18: "W",
19: "Y",
20: "X", # Includes J and O.
21: "-",
"004": "GLY",
"02K": "ALA",
"02L": "ASN",
"02O": "ALA",
"02Y": "LEU",
"03Y": "CYS",
"04Q": "GLY",
"04U": "PRO",
"04V": "PRO",
"05N": "PRO",
"05O": "TYR",
"07O": "CYS",
"0A0": "ASP",
"0A1": "TYR",
"0A2": "LYS",
"0A8": "CYS",
"0A9": "ALA",
"0AA": "VAL",
"0AB": "VAL",
"0AC": "GLY",
"0AF": "TRP",
"0AH": "SER",
"0AK": "ASP",
"0AR": "ARG",
"0BN": "PHE",
"0CS": "ALA",
"0E5": "THR",
"0EA": "TYR",
"0FL": "ALA",
"0LF": "PRO",
"0PR": "TYR",
"0QL": "ALA",
"0RJ": "ALA",
"0WZ": "TYR",
"0X9": "ARG",
"0Y8": "PRO",
"11Q": "PRO",
"12X": "PRO",
"12Y": "PRO",
"13E": "MET",
"143": "CYS",
"19W": "VAL",
"1C3": "PRO",
"1IP": "ASN",
"1MH": "ALA",
"1OP": "TYR",
"1PA": "PHE",
"1PI": "ALA",
"1TQ": "TRP",
"1TY": "TYR",
"1VR": "VAL",
"1X6": "SER",
"200": "PHE",
"22G": "TYR",
"23F": "PHE",
"23P": "ALA",
"28X": "THR",
"2AG": "ALA",
"2CO": "CYS",
"2FM": "MET",
"2GX": "ALA",
"2HF": "HIS",
"2JC": "GLY",
"2JH": "ALA",
"2KK": "LYS",
"2KP": "LYS",
"2L5": "ALA",
"2LT": "TYR",
"2LU": "LEU",
"2ML": "LEU",
"2MR": "ARG",
"2MT": "PRO",
"2OR": "ARG",
"2P0": "PRO",
"2QZ": "THR",
"2R3": "TYR",
"2RX": "SER",
"2SO": "ALA",
"2TY": "TYR",
"2VA": "VAL",
"2XA": "CYS",
"2YC": "LYS",
"2YF": "LYS",
"2YG": "LYS",
"2ZC": "SER",
"30V": "CYS",
"31Q": "CYS",
"33S": "ALA",
"33W": "ALA",
"34E": "VAL",
"35Y": "ALA",
"3AH": "HIS",
"3AR": "ARG",
"3BY": "PRO",
"3CF": "PHE",
"3CT": "TYR",
"3GA": "ALA",
"3GL": "GLU",
"3MD": "ASP",
"3NF": "TYR",
"3PM": "SER",
"3PX": "PRO",
"3QN": "LYS",
"3TY": "ALA",
"3WS": "ALA",
"3X9": "ALA",
"3XH": "GLY",
"3YM": "TYR",
"3ZL": "LYS",
"41H": "ALA",
"41Q": "SER",
"432": "SER",
"4AF": "ALA",
"4AK": "LYS",
"4AW": "TRP",
"4BF": "TYR",
"4CF": "PHE",
"4CY": "MET",
"4DP": "TRP",
"4FB": "PRO",
"4FW": "TRP",
"4GJ": "CYS",
"4HH": "SER",
"4HJ": "SER",
"4HT": "TRP",
"4II": "PHE",
"4IN": "TRP",
"4J4": "CYS",
"4KY": "PRO",
"4L0": "PRO",
"4LZ": "TYR",
"4OG": "TRP",
"4OU": "ALA",
"4PH": "PHE",
"4PQ": "TRP",
"4QK": "LEU",
"4SJ": "ALA",
"4U7": "ALA",
"51T": "TYR",
"54C": "TRP",
"55I": "PHE",
"56A": "HIS",
"5AB": "ALA",
"5CR": "PHE",
"5CS": "CYS",
"5CT": "LYS",
"5CW": "TRP",
"5DW": "ALA",
"5FQ": "ALA",
"5GM": "LEU",
"5HP": "GLU",
"5OL": "LYS",
"5OW": "LYS",
"5PG": "GLY",
"5R5": "SER",
"5T3": "LYS",
"5VV": "ASN",
"5X8": "CYS",
"66C": "ALA",
"66D": "LEU",
"66E": "VAL",
"6BR": "THR",
"6CL": "LYS",
"6CV": "ALA",
"6CW": "TRP",
"6DU": "ALA",
"6FL": "LEU",
"6G4": "LYS",
"6GL": "ALA",
"6HN": "LYS",
"6KM": "CYS",
"6M6": "CYS",
"6V1": "CYS",
"6WK": "CYS",
"6ZS": "VAL",
"73N": "ARG",
"73O": "TYR",
"73P": "LYS",
"74P": "LYS",
"7C9": "SER",
"7CC": "ASN",
"7HA": "GLY",
"7ID": "ASP",
"7J4": "ASN",
"7JA": "ILE",
"7N8": "PHE",
"7O5": "ALA",
"7QK": "LYS",
"7T2": "PHE",
"7TK": "ASP",
"7VN": "ALA",
"7VU": "PHE",
"7W2": "PHE",
"81R": "VAL",
"81S": "VAL",
"823": "ASN",
"85G": "GLN",
"85J": "GLN",
"85L": "CYS",
"8RE": "LYS",
"8SP": "SER",
"8WY": "LEU",
"99Y": "ALA",
"9AT": "THR",
"9DN": "ASN",
"9E7": "LYS",
"9EV": "LEU",
"9KK": "LEU",
"9KP": "LYS",
"9NE": "GLU",
"9NF": "PHE",
"9NR": "ARG",
"9NV": "VAL",
"9OW": "ALA",
"9R4": "ALA",
"9R7": "GLY",
"9TR": "LYS",
"9TU": "LYS",
"9TX": "LYS",
"9U0": "LYS",
"9U6": "ALA",
"9U9": "LYS",
"9UC": "LYS",
"9UF": "LYS",
"9WV": "ALA",
"A30": "TYR",
"A3U": "ALA",
"A5N": "ASN",
"A66": "LYS",
"A9D": "PRO",
"AA3": "ALA",
"AA4": "ALA",
"AAR": "ARG",
"ABA": "ALA",
"AC5": "LEU",
"ACB": "ASP",
"ACL": "ARG",
"AEA": "CYS",
"AEI": "ASP",
"AFA": "ASN",
"AGM": "ARG",
"AGQ": "ALA",
"AGT": "CYS",
"AHB": "ASN",
"AHO": "ALA",
"AHP": "ALA",
"AIB": "ALA",
"AKL": "ASP",
"ALA": "ALA",
"ALC": "ALA",
"ALM": "ALA",
"ALN": "ALA",
"ALO": "THR",
"ALS": "ALA",
"ALT": "ALA",
"ALY": "LYS",
"AN8": "ALA",
"API": "LYS",
"APK": "LYS",
"APM": "ALA",
"AR2": "ARG",
"AR4": "GLU",
"ARG": "ARG",
"ARM": "ARG",
"ARO": "ARG",
"ARV": "ARG",
"AS7": "ASN",
"ASA": "ASP",
"ASB": "ASP",
"ASI": "ASP",
"ASK": "ASP",
"ASL": "ASP",
"ASN": "ASN",
"ASP": "ASP",
"ASQ": "ASP",
"AYA": "ALA",
"AZH": "ALA",
"AZK": "LYS",
"AZS": "SER",
"AZY": "TYR",
"B1F": "PHE",
"B3A": "ALA",
"B3E": "GLU",
"B3K": "LYS",
"B3L": "LEU",
"B3Q": "GLN",
"B3U": "HIS",
"B3X": "ASN",
"B3Y": "TYR",
"BB6": "CYS",
"BB7": "CYS",
"BB8": "PHE",
"BB9": "CYS",
"BBC": "CYS",
"BCS": "CYS",
"BFD": "ASP",
"BG1": "SER",
"BH2": "ASP",
"BHD": "ASP",
"BIF": "PHE",
"BIL": "ILE",
"BIU": "ILE",
"BL2": "LEU",
"BMT": "THR",
"BNN": "PHE",
"BP5": "ALA",
"BPE": "CYS",
"BSE": "SER",
"BTA": "LEU",
"BTC": "CYS",
"BTK": "LYS",
"BTR": "TRP",
"BUC": "CYS",
"BUG": "VAL",
"BWB": "SER",
"BXT": "SER",
"BYR": "TYR",
"C1T": "CYS",
"C1X": "LYS",
"C22": "ALA",
"C3Y": "CYS",
"C4R": "CYS",
"C5C": "CYS",
"C66": "LYS",
"C6C": "CYS",
"CAB": "VAL",
"CAF": "CYS",
"CAS": "CYS",
"CAY": "CYS",
"CCS": "CYS",
"CDV": "VAL",
"CEA": "CYS",
"CG6": "CYS",
"CGA": "GLU",
"CGH": "GLY",
"CGU": "GLU",
"CGV": "CYS",
"CHG": "GLY",
"CHP": "GLY",
"CIR": "ARG",
"CLE": "LEU",
"CLG": "LYS",
"CLH": "LYS",
"CME": "CYS",
"CMH": "CYS",
"CML": "CYS",
"CMT": "CYS",
"CNG": "GLY",
"CR5": "GLY",
"CS0": "CYS",
"CS1": "CYS",
"CS3": "CYS",
"CS4": "CYS",
"CSA": "CYS",
"CSB": "CYS",
"CSD": "CYS",
"CSE": "CYS",
"CSJ": "CYS",
"CSK": "CYS",
"CSO": "CYS",
"CSP": "CYS",
"CSR": "CYS",
"CSS": "CYS",
"CSU": "CYS",
"CSW": "CYS",
"CSX": "CYS",
"CSZ": "CYS",
"CTE": "TRP",
"CTH": "THR",
"CWD": "ALA",
"CWR": "SER",
"CXM": "MET",
"CY0": "CYS",
"CY1": "CYS",
"CY3": "CYS",
"CY4": "CYS",
"CYA": "CYS",
"CYF": "CYS",
"CYG": "CYS",
"CYJ": "LYS",
"CYM": "CYS",
"CYQ": "CYS",
"CYR": "CYS",
"CYS": "CYS",
"CYW": "CYS",
"CZ2": "CYS",
"CZS": "ALA",
"CZZ": "CYS",
"D0Q": "TRP",
"DA2": "ARG",
"DAB": "ALA",
"DAH": "PHE",
"DAM": "ALA",
"DBS": "SER",
"DBU": "THR",
"DBY": "TYR",
"DBZ": "ALA",
"DC2": "CYS",
"DDE": "HIS",
"DDZ": "ALA",
"DHA": "SER",
"DHN": "VAL",
"DI7": "TYR",
"DIR": "ARG",
"DJD": "ALA",
"DLS": "LYS",
"DM0": "LYS",
"DMH": "ASN",
"DMK": "ASP",
"DNL": "LYS",
"DNP": "ALA",
"DNS": "LYS",
"DNW": "ALA",
"DO2": "LEU",
"DOH": "ASP",
"DON": "LEU",
"DPL": "PRO",
"DPP": "ALA",
"DPQ": "TYR",
"DV7": "GLY",
"DV9": "GLU",
"DYA": "ASP",
"DYJ": "PRO",
"DYS": "CYS",
"E0Y": "PRO",
"E95": "TRP",
"E9C": "TYR",
"E9M": "TRP",
"E9V": "HIS",
"ECC": "GLN",
"ECX": "CYS",
"EFC": "CYS",
"EHP": "PHE",
"EI4": "ARG",
"EJA": "CYS",
"ELY": "LYS",
"EO2": "LEU",
"EOE": "PRO",
"ESB": "TYR",
"ESC": "MET",
"EU0": "VAL",
"EUP": "THR",
"EW6": "SER",
"EXA": "LYS",
"EXL": "TRP",
"EXY": "LEU",
"EYS": "CYS",
"F0G": "ALA",
"F2F": "PHE",
"F2Y": "TYR",
"F7P": "TRP",
"F7Q": "TYR",
"F7S": "LEU",
"F7W": "TRP",
"FAK": "LYS",
"FB5": "ALA",
"FB6": "ALA",
"FCL": "PHE",
"FDL": "LYS",
"FF9": "LYS",
"FFM": "CYS",
"FGA": "GLU",
"FGL": "GLY",
"FGP": "SER",
"FH7": "LYS",
"FHL": "LYS",
"FHO": "LYS",
"FL6": "ASP",
"FLA": "ALA",
"FLE": "LEU",
"FLT": "TYR",
"FME": "MET",
"FOE": "CYS",
"FP9": "PRO",
"FPK": "PRO",
"FQA": "LYS",
"FT6": "TRP",
"FTR": "TRP",
"FTY": "TYR",
"FVA": "VAL",
"FY2": "TYR",
"FY3": "TYR",
"FZN": "LYS",
"G1X": "TYR",
"G3M": "LYS",
"G8M": "GLY",
"GAU": "GLU",
"GEE": "GLY",
"GFT": "SER",
"GGL": "GLU",
"GHG": "GLN",
"GL3": "GLY",
"GLH": "GLN",
"GLJ": "GLU",
"GLN": "GLN",
"GLQ": "GLU",
"GLU": "GLU",
"GLY": "GLY",
"GLZ": "GLY",
"GMA": "GLU",
"GNC": "GLN",
"GPL": "LYS",
"GQI": "CYS",
"GSC": "GLY",
"GSU": "GLU",
"GT9": "CYS",
"GVL": "SER",
"H14": "PHE",
"H5M": "PRO",
"HAC": "ALA",
"HAR": "ARG",
"HBN": "HIS",
"HCM": "CYS",
"HGY": "GLY",
"HHI": "HIS",
"HIA": "HIS",
"HIC": "HIS",
"HIP": "HIS",
"HIQ": "HIS",
"HIS": "HIS",
"HIX": "ALA",
"HL2": "LEU",
"HL5": "LEU",
"HLU": "LEU",
"HLX": "LEU",
"HLY": "LYS",
"HMR": "ARG",
"HNC": "CYS",
"HOO": "HIS",
"HOX": "ALA",
"HPC": "PHE",
"HPE": "PHE",
"HPQ": "PHE",
"HQA": "ALA",
"HR7": "ARG",
"HRG": "ARG",
"HRP": "TRP",
"HS8": "HIS",
"HS9": "HIS",
"HSE": "SER",
"HSK": "HIS",
"HSL": "SER",
"HSO": "HIS",
"HSV": "HIS",
"HT7": "TRP",
"HTI": "CYS",
"HTR": "TRP",
"HV5": "ALA",
"HVA": "VAL",
"HY3": "PRO",
"HYP": "PRO",
"HZP": "PRO",
"I2F": "LYS",
"I2M": "ILE",
"I3L": "CYS",
"I4G": "GLY",
"I4O": "HIS",
"I58": "LYS",
"I7F": "SER",
"IAE": "PHE",
"IAM": "ALA",
"IAR": "ARG",
"IAS": "ASP",
"IB9": "TYR",
"IC0": "GLY",
"ICY": "CYS",
"IEL": "LYS",
"IGL": "GLY",
"IIL": "ILE",
"ILE": "ILE",
"ILG": "GLU",
"ILX": "ILE",
"IML": "ILE",
"IPG": "GLY",
"IT1": "LYS",
"IYR": "TYR",
"IZO": "MET",
"J2F": "TYR",
"J3D": "CYS",
"J8W": "SER",
"J9A": "GLN",
"JJJ": "CYS",
"JJK": "CYS",
"JJL": "CYS",
"JKH": "PRO",
"JLP": "LYS",
"K1R": "CYS",
"K5H": "CYS",
"K5L": "SER",
"K7K": "SER",
"KBE": "LYS",
"KCJ": "ALA",
"KCR": "LYS",
"KCX": "LYS",
"KEO": "LYS",
"KGC": "LYS",
"KHB": "LYS",
"KNB": "ALA",
"KOR": "MET",
"KPF": "LYS",
"KPI": "LYS",
"KPY": "LYS",
"KR3": "LYS",
"KST": "LYS",
"KYN": "TRP",
"KYQ": "LYS",
"L3O": "LEU",
"L4R": "ALA",
"LA2": "LYS",
"LAA": "ASP",
"LAL": "ALA",
"LAY": "LEU",
"LBY": "LYS",
"LBZ": "LYS",
"LCK": "LYS",
"LCX": "LYS",
"LDH": "LYS",
"LE1": "VAL",
"LED": "LEU",
"LEF": "LEU",
"LEH": "LEU",
"LEM": "LEU",
"LET": "LYS",
"LEU": "LEU",
"LGY": "LYS",
"LLO": "LYS",
"LLP": "LYS",
"LLY": "LYS",
"LLZ": "LYS",
"LME": "GLU",
"LMF": "LYS",
"LMQ": "GLN",
"LNE": "LEU",
"LNM": "LEU",
"LOU": "ALA",
"LP6": "LYS",
"LPD": "PRO",
"LPG": "GLY",
"LPH": "GLY",
"LPS": "SER",
"LSO": "LYS",
"LT0": "SER",
"LTR": "TRP",
"LVG": "GLY",
"LVN": "VAL",
"LWI": "PHE",
"LYF": "LYS",
"LYH": "LYS",
"LYM": "LYS",
"LYN": "LYS",
"LYO": "LYS",
"LYR": "LYS",
"LYS": "LYS",
"LYU": "LYS",
"LYV": "GLY",
"LYX": "LYS",
"LYZ": "LYS",
"M0H": "CYS",
"M2L": "LYS",
"M2S": "MET",
"M30": "GLY",
"M3L": "LYS",
"MAA": "ALA",
"MAI": "ARG",
"MBQ": "TYR",
"MC1": "SER",
"MCG": "GLY",
"MCL": "LYS",
"MCS": "CYS",
"MD3": "CYS",
"MD5": "CYS",
"MD6": "GLY",
"MDF": "TYR",
"ME0": "MET",
"MEA": "PHE",
"MEG": "GLU",
"MEN": "ASN",
"MEQ": "GLN",
"MET": "MET",
"MEU": "GLY",
"MF3": "MET",
"MGG": "ARG",
"MGN": "GLN",
"MGY": "GLY",
"MH1": "HIS",
"MH6": "SER",
"MHL": "LEU",
"MHO": "MET",
"MHS": "HIS",
"MHU": "PHE",
"MIR": "SER",
"MIS": "SER",
"MK8": "LEU",
"ML3": "LYS",
"MLE": "LEU",
"MLL": "LEU",
"MLY": "LYS",
"MLZ": "LYS",
"MME": "MET",
"MMO": "ARG",
"MNL": "LEU",
"MNV": "VAL",
"MP8": "PRO",
"MPH": "MET",
"MPJ": "MET",
"MPQ": "GLY",
"MSA": "GLY",
"MSE": "MET",
"MSL": "MET",
"MSO": "MET",
"MT2": "MET",
"MTY": "TYR",
"MVA": "VAL",
"MYK": "LYS",
"N0A": "ALA",
"N10": "SER",
"N2C": "CYS",
"N65": "LYS",
"N7P": "PRO",
"N80": "PRO",
"N9P": "ALA",
"NA8": "ALA",
"NAL": "ALA",
"NAM": "ALA",
"NB8": "ASN",
"NBQ": "TYR",
"NC1": "SER",
"NCB": "ALA",
"NCY": "CYS",
"NEM": "HIS",
"NEP": "HIS",
"NFA": "PHE",
"NIY": "TYR",
"NKS": "GLY",
"NLB": "LEU",
"NLE": "LEU",
"NLN": "LEU",
"NLO": "LEU",
"NLP": "LEU",
"NLQ": "GLN",
"NLW": "LEU",
"NLY": "GLY",
"NMC": "GLY",
"NMM": "ARG",
"NNH": "ARG",
"NOT": "LEU",
"NPH": "CYS",
"NPI": "ALA",
"NRG": "ARG",
"NSK": "LYS",
"NTR": "TYR",
"NTY": "TYR",
"NVA": "VAL",
"NWD": "ALA",
"NYB": "CYS",
"NYS": "CYS",
"NZC": "THR",
"NZH": "HIS",
"O2E": "SER",
"O6H": "TRP",
"O7A": "THR",
"O7D": "TRP",
"OAS": "SER",
"OBS": "LYS",
"OCS": "CYS",
"OCY": "CYS",
"OGC": "ALA",
"OHI": "HIS",
"OHS": "ASP",
"OJY": "VAL",
"OLD": "HIS",
"OLT": "THR",
"OLZ": "SER",
"OMH": "SER",
"OMT": "MET",
"OMX": "TYR",
"OMY": "TYR",
"ONH": "ALA",
"ONL": "LEU",
"ORN": "ALA",
"ORQ": "ARG",
"OSE": "SER",
"OTH": "THR",
"OTY": "TYR",
"OXX": "ASP",
"OYL": "HIS",
"OZW": "PHE",
"P1L": "CYS",
"P2Q": "TYR",
"P2Y": "PRO",
"P3Q": "TYR",
"P9S": "CYS",
"PAQ": "TYR",
"PAS": "ASP",
"PAT": "TRP",
"PBB": "CYS",
"PBF": "PHE",
"PCA": "GLN",
"PCC": "PRO",
"PCS": "PHE",
"PDL": "ALA",
"PE1": "LYS",
"PEC": "CYS",
"PF5": "PHE",
"PFF": "PHE",
"PG1": "SER",
"PGY": "GLY",
"PH6": "PRO",
"PH8": "VAL",
"PHA": "PHE",
"PHD": "ASP",
"PHE": "PHE",
"PHI": "PHE",
"PHL": "PHE",
"PJ3": "HIS",
"PLJ": "PRO",
"PM3": "PHE",
"POK": "ARG",
"POM": "PRO",
"PPN": "PHE",
"PR3": "CYS",
"PR4": "PRO",
"PR7": "PRO",
"PRK": "LYS",
"PRO": "PRO",
"PRR": "ALA",
"PRS": "PRO",
"PRV": "GLY",
"PSH": "HIS",
"PSW": "ALA",
"PTH": "TYR",
"PTM": "TYR",
"PTR": "TYR",
"PVH": "HIS",
"PXU": "PRO",
"PYA": "ALA",
"PYH": "LYS",
"PYL": "LYS",
"PYX": "CYS",
"Q2E": "TRP",
"Q3P": "LYS",
"Q75": "MET",
"Q78": "PHE",
"Q8X": "CYS",
"QAC": "ALA",
"QCI": "GLN",
"QCS": "CYS",
"QIL": "ILE",
"QM8": "LEU",
"QMB": "VAL",
"QMM": "GLN",
"QNQ": "CYS",
"QNT": "CYS",
"QNW": "CYS",
"QNY": "THR",
"QO2": "CYS",
"QO5": "CYS",
"QO8": "CYS",
"QPA": "CYS",
"QPH": "PHE",
"QQ8": "GLN",
"QVA": "CYS",
"QX7": "ALA",
"R0K": "GLU",
"R1A": "CYS",
"R2T": "GLN",
"R4K": "TRP",
"RE0": "TRP",
"RE3": "TRP",
"RF9": "LYS",
"RGL": "ARG",
"RGP": "GLU",
"RON": "VAL",
"RPI": "ARG",
"RT0": "PRO",
"RVJ": "ALA",
"RVX": "SER",
"RX9": "ILE",
"RXL": "VAL",
"RZ4": "SER",
"S0R": "LEU",
"S12": "SER",
"S1H": "SER",
"S2C": "CYS",
"S2P": "ALA",
"SAC": "SER",
"SAH": "CYS",
"SAO": "CYS",
"SAR": "GLY",
"SBL": "SER",
"SCH": "CYS",
"SCS": "CYS",
"SCY": "CYS",
"SD2": "MET",
"SD4": "ASN",
"SDP": "SER",
"SEB": "SER",
"SEC": "CYS",
"SEE": "SER",
"SEG": "ALA",
"SEL": "SER",
"SEM": "SER",
"SEN": "SER",
"SEP": "SER",
"SER": "SER",
"SET": "SER",
"SFE": "ALA",
"SGB": "SER",
"SHC": "CYS",
"SHP": "GLY",
"SHR": "LYS",
"SIB": "CYS",
"SKG": "ILE",
"SKH": "LYS",
"SKJ": "LEU",
"SLL": "LYS",
"SLZ": "LYS",
"SMC": "CYS",
"SME": "MET",
"SMF": "PHE",
"SNC": "CYS",
"SNK": "HIS",
"SNN": "ASN",
"SOC": "CYS",
"SOY": "SER",
"SRZ": "SER",
"STY": "TYR",
"SUB": "ALA",
"SUN": "SER",
"SVA": "SER",
"SVV": "SER",
"SVW": "SER",
"SVX": "SER",
"SVY": "SER",
"SVZ": "SER",
"SWW": "SER",
"SXE": "SER",
"SYS": "ALA",
"SZF": "TRP",
"T0I": "TYR",
"T11": "PHE",
"T3R": "LEU",
"T66": "LYS",
"T8L": "THR",
"T9E": "THR",
"TAV": "ASP",
"TBG": "VAL",
"TBM": "THR",
"TCQ": "TYR",
"TCR": "TRP",
"TEF": "ALA",
"TFQ": "PHE",
"TGH": "TRP",
"TH5": "THR",
"TH6": "THR",
"THC": "THR",
"THO": "THR",
"THR": "THR",
"THZ": "ARG",
"TIH": "ALA",
"TIS": "SER",
"TLY": "LYS",
"TMB": "THR",
"TMD": "THR",
"TNB": "CYS",
"TNQ": "TRP",
"TNR": "SER",
"TOQ": "TRP",
"TOX": "TRP",
"TPJ": "PRO",
"TPK": "PRO",
"TPL": "TRP",
"TPO": "THR",
"TPQ": "TYR",
"TQI": "TRP",
"TQQ": "TRP",
"TQZ": "CYS",
"TRF": "TRP",
"TRG": "LYS",
"TRN": "TRP",
"TRO": "TRP",
"TRP": "TRP",
"TRQ": "TRP",
"TRW": "TRP",
"TRX": "TRP",
"TRY": "TRP",
"TS9": "ILE",
"TSQ": "ALA",
"TST": "LEU",
"TSY": "CYS",
"TTQ": "TRP",
"TTS": "TYR",
"TXY": "TYR",
"TY1": "TYR",
"TY2": "TYR",
"TY3": "TYR",
"TY5": "TYR",
"TY8": "ALA",
"TY9": "ALA",
"TYB": "TYR",
"TYE": "TYR",
"TYI": "TYR",
"TYJ": "TYR",
"TYN": "TYR",
"TYO": "TYR",
"TYQ": "TYR",
"TYR": "TYR",
"TYS": "TYR",
"TYT": "TYR",
"TYX": "CYS",
"TYY": "TYR",
"U2X": "TYR",
"U3X": "ALA",
"UF0": "SER",
"UGY": "GLY",
"UKD": "ALA",
"UKY": "ALA",
"UM2": "ALA",
"UMA": "ALA",
"UOX": "ALA",
"UXY": "LYS",
"V44": "CYS",
"V61": "PHE",
"V6W": "TRP",
"VAD": "VAL",
"VAF": "VAL",
"VAH": "VAL",
"VAL": "VAL",
"VB1": "LYS",
"VH0": "PRO",
"VHF": "GLU",
"VI3": "CYS",
"VLM": "VAL",
"VOL": "VAL",
"VPV": "LYS",
"VVK": "ALA",
"WFP": "ALA",
"WLU": "LEU",
"WPA": "PHE",
"WRP": "TRP",
"WVL": "VAL",
"WYK": "ARG",
"WZJ": "ILE",
"X2W": "GLU",
"X60": "VAL",
"XA6": "PHE",
"XCN": "CYS",
"XPL": "LYS",
"XPR": "PRO",
"XSN": "ASN",
"XX1": "LYS",
"Y1V": "LEU",
"Y57": "LYS",
"YCM": "CYS",
"YHA": "LYS",
"YNM": "TYR",
"YOF": "TYR",
"YPR": "PRO",
"YPZ": "ALA",
"YTH": "THR",
"Z01": "ALA",
"Z3E": "THR",
"Z70": "HIS",
"ZAI": "LYS",
"ZBZ": "CYS",
"ZCL": "PHE",
"ZDJ": "TYR",
"ZIQ": "TRP",
"ZNY": "PRO",
"ZT6": "TYR",
"ZU0": "THR",
"ZV4": "PHE",
"ZYJ": "PRO",
"ZYK": "PRO",
"ZZD": "CYS",
"ZZJ": "ALA",
"ZZU": "ARG",
def combine_molecules(molecule_list: List[Chem.Mol]) -> Chem.Mol:
"""Combine a list of RDKit molecules into a single molecule.
:param molecule_list: A list of RDKit molecules.
:return: A single RDKit molecule.
# Initialize the combined molecule with the first molecule in the list
new_mol = molecule_list[0]
# Iterate through the remaining molecules and combine them pairwise
for mol in molecule_list[1:]:
new_mol = Chem.CombineMols(new_mol, mol)
return new_mol
def renumber_pdb_df_residues(input_pdb_file: str, output_pdb_file: str):
"""Renumber residues in a PDB file starting from 1 for each chain.
:param input_pdb_file: Path to the input PDB file.
# Load the PDB file
pdb = PandasPdb().read_pdb(input_pdb_file)
# Iterate through each chain
for _, chain_df in pdb.df["ATOM"].groupby("chain_id"):
# Get the minimum residue index for the current chain
min_residue_index = chain_df["residue_number"].min()
# Reindex the residues starting from 1
chain_df["residue_number"] -= min_residue_index - 1
# Update the PDB dataframe with the reindexed chain
pdb.df["ATOM"].loc[chain_df.index] = chain_df
# Write the modified PDB file
def renumber_biopython_structure_residues(
structure: Structure, gap_insertion_point: Optional[str] = None
) -> Structure:
"""Renumber residues in a PDB file using BioPython starting from 1 for each
:param structure: BioPython structure object.
:param gap_insertion_point: Optional `:`-separated string
representing the chain-residue pair index of the residue at
which to insert a single index gap.
:return: BioPython structure object with renumbered residues.
# Iterate through each model in the structure
if gap_insertion_point is not None:
assert (
len(gap_insertion_point.split(":")) == 2
), "When provided, gap insertion point must be in the format 'chain_id:residue_index'."
gap_insertion_chain_id = (
gap_insertion_point.split(":")[0] if gap_insertion_point is not None else None
gap_insertion_residue_index = (
int(gap_insertion_point.split(":")[1]) if gap_insertion_point is not None else None
for model in structure:
# Iterate through each chain in the model
for chain in model:
# Get the minimum residue index for the current chain
min_residue_index = min(residue.id[1] for residue in chain)
# Reindex the residues starting from 1
gap_insertion_counter = 0
for residue in chain:
new_residue_index = residue.id[1] - min_residue_index + 1
gap_index_found = (
gap_insertion_chain_id is not None
and gap_insertion_residue_index is not None
and chain.id == gap_insertion_chain_id
and new_residue_index == gap_insertion_residue_index
if gap_index_found:
gap_insertion_counter = 1
residue.id = (" ", new_residue_index + gap_insertion_counter, residue.id[2])
for atom in residue:
atom.serial_number = None # Reset atom serial number
return structure
def get_pdb_components_with_prody(
input_pdb_file: str, load_hetatms_as_ligands: bool = False
) -> tuple:
"""Split a protein-ligand pdb into protein and ligand components using
:param input_pdb_file: Path to the input PDB file.
:param load_hetatms_as_ligands: Whether to load HETATM records as
ligands if no ligands are initially found.
:return: Tuple of protein and ligand components.
pdb = parsePDB(input_pdb_file)
protein = pdb.select("protein")
ligand = pdb.select("not (protein or nucleotide or water)")
if ligand is None and load_hetatms_as_ligands:
ligand = pdb.select("hetatm and not water")
return protein, ligand
def read_ligand_expo(
ligand_expo_url: str = "http://ligand-expo.rcsb.org/dictionaries",
ligand_expo_filename: str = "Components-smiles-stereo-oe.smi",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Read Ligand Expo data, first trying to find a file called `Components-
smiles-stereo-oe.smi` in the current directory. If the file can't be found,
grab it from the RCSB.
:param ligand_expo_url: URL to Ligand Expo.
:param ligand_expo_filename: Name of the Ligand Expo file.
:return: Ligand Expo as a dictionary with ligand id as the key
df = pd.read_csv(
ligand_expo_filename, sep="\t", header=None, names=["SMILES", "ID", "Name"]
except FileNotFoundError:
r = requests.get(
f"{ligand_expo_url}/{ligand_expo_filename}", allow_redirects=True
) # nosec
with open("Components-smiles-stereo-oe.smi", "wb") as f:
df = pd.read_csv(
ligand_expo_filename, sep="\t", header=None, names=["SMILES", "ID", "Name"]
assert (
len(df) > 0
), "Downloaded Ligand Expo file is empty. Please consult the Ligand Expo website for troubleshooting."
df.set_index("ID", inplace=True)
return df.to_dict("index")
def write_pdb_with_prody(atoms, pdb_name, add_element_types=False):
"""Write atoms to a pdb file using ProDy.
:param atoms: atoms object from prody
:param pdb_name: base name for the pdb file
:param add_element_types: whether to add element types to the pdb
writePDB(pdb_name, atoms)
if add_element_types:
with open(pdb_name.replace(".pdb", "_elem.pdb"), "w") as f:
subprocess.run( # nosec
f"pdb_element {pdb_name}",
shutil.move(pdb_name.replace(".pdb", "_elem.pdb"), pdb_name)
logger.info(f"Wrote {pdb_name}")
def process_ligand_with_prody(
sanitize: bool = True,
sub_smiles: Optional[str] = None,
ligand_expo_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Chem.Mol:
Add bond orders to a pdb ligand using ProDy.
1. Select the ligand component with name "res_name"
2. Get the corresponding SMILES from pypdb
3. Create a template molecule from the SMILES in step 2
4. Write the PDB file to a stream
5. Read the stream into an RDKit molecule
6. Assign the bond orders from the template from step 3
:param ligand: ligand as generated by prody
:param res_name: residue name of ligand to extract
:param chain: chain of ligand to extract
:param resnum: residue number of ligand to extract
:param sanitize: whether to sanitize the molecule
:param sub_smiles: optional SMILES string of the ligand molecule
:param ligand_expo_mapping: optional Ligand Expo mapping
:return: molecule with bond orders assigned
sub_smiles_provided = sub_smiles is not None
sub_mol = ligand.select(f"resname {res_name} and chain {chain} and resnum {resnum}")
ligand_expo_mapping = ligand_expo_mapping or read_ligand_expo()
chem_desc = ligand_expo_mapping.get(res_name)
if chem_desc is not None and not sub_smiles_provided:
sub_smiles = None
if "SMILES" in chem_desc:
sub_smiles = chem_desc["SMILES"]
if sub_smiles is not None:
template = AllChem.MolFromSmiles(sub_smiles)
template = None
output = StringIO()
writePDBStream(output, sub_mol)
pdb_string = output.getvalue()
rd_mol = AllChem.MolFromPDBBlock(pdb_string, sanitize=sanitize)
if sanitize and rd_mol is None:
f"Could not sanitize ligand {res_name} in chain {chain} at residue number {resnum}. Skipping its sanitization..."
rd_mol = AllChem.MolFromPDBBlock(pdb_string, sanitize=False)
elif rd_mol is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not convert ligand {res_name} in chain {chain} at residue number {resnum} to RDKit molecule."
if sub_smiles_provided and template is not None:
# Ensure the input ligand perfectly matches the template ligand
if rd_mol.GetNumAtoms() != template.GetNumAtoms():
template = None
f"Number of atoms in both molecules is different ({rd_mol.GetNumAtoms()} vs. {template.GetNumAtoms()}). Cannot assign bond orders from template."
if template is not None:
new_mol = AllChem.AssignBondOrdersFromTemplate(template, rd_mol)
new_mol = rd_mol
except ValueError:
new_mol = rd_mol
return new_mol
def write_sdf(new_mol: Chem.Mol, pdb_name: str):
"""Write an RDKit molecule to an SD file.
:param new_mol: RDKit molecule
:param pdb_name: name of the output file
writer = Chem.SDWriter(pdb_name)
logger.info(f"Wrote {pdb_name}")
def extract_protein_and_ligands_with_prody(
input_pdb_file: str,
protein_output_pdb_file: Optional[str],
ligands_output_sdf_file: Optional[str],
sanitize: bool = True,
add_element_types: bool = False,
write_output_files: bool = True,
load_hetatms_as_ligands: bool = False,
ligand_smiles: Optional[str] = None,
ligand_expo_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
permute_ligand_smiles: bool = False,
) -> Optional[Chem.Mol]:
"""Using ProDy, extract protein atoms and ligand molecules from a PDB file
and write them to separate files.
:param input_pdb_file: The input PDB file.
:param protein_output_pdb_file: The output PDB file for the protein
:param ligands_output_sdf_file: The output SDF file for the ligand
:param sanitize: Whether to sanitize the ligand molecules.
:param add_element_types: Whether to add element types to the
protein atoms.
:param write_output_files: Whether to write the output files.
:param load_hetatms_as_ligands: Whether to load HETATM records as
ligands if no ligands are initially found.
:param ligand_smiles: The SMILES string of the ligand molecule.
:param ligand_expo_mapping: The Ligand Expo mapping.
:param permute_ligand_smiles: Whether to permute the ligand SMILES
string's fragment components if necessary.
:return: The combined final ligand molecule(s) as an RDKit molecule.
protein, ligand = get_pdb_components_with_prody(
input_pdb_file, load_hetatms_as_ligands=load_hetatms_as_ligands
if ligand is None:
logger.info(f"No ligand found in {input_pdb_file}. Returning None.")
return None
if write_output_files:
assert protein_output_pdb_file is not None, "Protein output PDB file must be provided."
write_pdb_with_prody(protein, protein_output_pdb_file, add_element_types=add_element_types)
ligand_resnames = ligand.getResnames()
ligand_chids = ligand.getChids()
ligand_resnums = ligand.getResnums()
seen = set()
resname_chain_resnum_list = []
for resname, chid, resnum in zip(ligand_resnames, ligand_chids, ligand_resnums):
if (resname, chid, resnum) not in seen:
seen.add((resname, chid, resnum))
resname_chain_resnum_list.append((resname, chid, resnum))
new_mol = None
new_mol_list = []
ligand_smiles_component_indices_seen = set()
ligand_smiles_components = ligand_smiles.split(".") if ligand_smiles is not None else None
for i, resname_chain_resnum in enumerate(resname_chain_resnum_list, start=1):
resname, chain, resnum = resname_chain_resnum
sub_smiles = (
ligand_smiles_components[i - 1]
if ligand_smiles_components is not None
and len(ligand_smiles_components) == len(resname_chain_resnum_list)
else None
if permute_ligand_smiles and sub_smiles is not None:
# E.g., for RFAA with the DockGen dataset, find the matching template SMILES string
sub_mol = ligand.select(f"resname {resname} and chain {chain} and resnum {resnum}")
template = AllChem.MolFromSmiles(sub_smiles)
if len(sub_mol) != len(template.GetAtoms()):
sub_smiles = None
for comp_idx, comp in enumerate(ligand_smiles_components):
if (
len(sub_mol) == AllChem.MolFromSmiles(comp).GetNumAtoms()
and comp_idx not in ligand_smiles_component_indices_seen
sub_smiles = comp
new_mol = process_ligand_with_prody(
if new_mol is not None:
if write_output_files:
assert (
ligands_output_sdf_file is not None
), "Ligands output SDF file must be provided."
if len(new_mol_list):
new_mol = combine_molecules(new_mol_list)
if write_output_files:
assert ligands_output_sdf_file is not None, "Ligands output SDF file must be provided."
write_sdf(new_mol, ligands_output_sdf_file)
return new_mol
def create_sdf_file_from_smiles(smiles: str, output_sdf_file: str) -> str:
"""Create an SDF file from a SMILES string.
:param smiles: SMILES string of the molecule.
:param output_sdf_file: Path to the output SDF file.
:return: Path to the output SDF file.
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)
if mol is None:
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles, sanitize=False)
writer = Chem.SDWriter(output_sdf_file)
return output_sdf_file
def count_num_residues_in_pdb_file(pdb_filepath: str) -> int:
"""Count the number of Ca atoms (i.e., residues) in a PDB file.
:param pdb_filepath: Path to PDB file.
:return: Number of Ca atoms (i.e., residues) in the PDB file.
parser = PDBParser()
structure = parser.get_structure("protein", pdb_filepath)
count = 0
for model in structure:
for chain in model:
for residue in chain:
if "CA" in residue:
count += 1
return count
def count_pdb_inter_residue_clashes(pdb_filepath: str, clash_cutoff: float = 0.63) -> int:
Count the number of inter-residue clashes in a protein PDB file.
From: https://www.blopig.com/blog/2023/05/checking-your-pdb-file-for-clashing-atoms/
:param pdb_filepath: Path to the PDB file.
:param clash_cutoff: The cutoff for what is considered a clash.
:return: The number of inter-residue clashes in the structure.
parser = PDB.PDBParser(QUIET=True)
structure = parser.get_structure("protein", pdb_filepath)
# Atomic radii for various atom types.
# You can comment out the ones you don't care about or add new ones
atom_radii = {
# "H": 1.20, # Who cares about hydrogen??
"C": 1.70,
"N": 1.55,
"O": 1.52,
"S": 1.80,
"F": 1.47,
"P": 1.80,
"CL": 1.75,
"MG": 1.73,
# Set what we count as a clash for each pair of atoms
clash_cutoffs = {
i + "_" + j: (clash_cutoff * (atom_radii[i] + atom_radii[j]))
for i in atom_radii
for j in atom_radii
# Extract atoms for which we have a radii
atoms = [x for x in structure.get_atoms() if x.element in atom_radii]
coords = np.array([a.coord for a in atoms], dtype="d")
# Build a KDTree (speedy!!!)
kdt = PDB.kdtrees.KDTree(coords)
# Initialize a list to hold clashes
clashes = []
# Iterate through all atoms
for atom_1 in atoms:
# Find atoms that could be clashing
kdt_search = kdt.search(np.array(atom_1.coord, dtype="d"), max(clash_cutoffs.values()))
# Get index and distance of potential clashes
potential_clash = [(a.index, a.radius) for a in kdt_search]
for ix, atom_distance in potential_clash:
atom_2 = atoms[ix]
# Exclude clashes from atoms in the same residue
if atom_1.parent.id == atom_2.parent.id:
# Exclude clashes from peptide bonds
elif (atom_2.name == "C" and atom_1.name == "N") or (
atom_2.name == "N" and atom_1.name == "C"
# Exclude clashes from disulphide bridges
elif (atom_2.name == "SG" and atom_1.name == "SG") and atom_distance > 1.88:
if atom_distance < clash_cutoffs[atom_2.element + "_" + atom_1.element]:
clashes.append((atom_1, atom_2))
return len(clashes) // 2
def parse_fasta(
file_path: str,
only_mols: List[Literal["protein", "na"]] | None = None,
collate_by_pdb_id: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Parses a FASTA file into a dictionary and optionally filters by molecule
:param file_path: Path to the .txt FASTA file.
:param only_mols: List of molecule types to filter (e.g.,
['protein', 'na']).
:param collate_by_pdb_id: Whether to group sequences by PDB ID.
:return: A dictionary where keys are sequence IDs and values are
tuples (description, sequence).
fasta_dict = {}
current_id = None
current_desc = None
current_seq = []
# Read the file line by line
with open(file_path) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith(">"):
# Save the previous sequence if applicable
if current_id:
fasta_dict[current_id] = (current_desc, "".join(current_seq))
# Parse the new header
header_parts = line[1:].split(maxsplit=1)
current_id = header_parts[0]
current_desc = header_parts[1] if len(header_parts) > 1 else ""
current_seq = []
# Append sequence lines
# Save the last sequence
if current_id:
fasta_dict[current_id] = (current_desc, "".join(current_seq))
# Filter by molecule type if only_mols is provided
if only_mols:
only_mols_set = {mol.lower() for mol in only_mols}
fasta_dict = {
seq_id: (desc, seq)
for seq_id, (desc, seq) in fasta_dict.items()
if any(f"mol:{mol}" in desc.lower() for mol in only_mols_set)
# Group sequences by PDB ID as requested
if collate_by_pdb_id:
collated_fasta_dict = defaultdict(list)
for seq_id, (desc, seq) in fasta_dict.items():
pdb_id, chain_id = seq_id.split("_")
collated_fasta_dict[pdb_id].append((chain_id, desc, seq))
fasta_dict = dict(collated_fasta_dict)
return fasta_dict