Source code for posebench.utils.utils

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# Following code curated for PoseBench: (
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from pathlib import Path

from beartype.typing import List

[docs] def find_protein_files(protein_file_dir: Path, extension: str = "pdb") -> List[Path]: """Find all protein files in the specified directory. :param protein_file_dir: The directory containing the protein files. :param extension: The file extension of the protein files. :return: A list of `Path` objects representing the protein files. """ return list(protein_file_dir.rglob(f"*.{extension}"))
[docs] def find_ligand_files(ligand_file_dir: Path, extension: str = "sdf") -> List[Path]: """Find all ligand files in the specified directory. :param ligand_file_dir: The directory containing the ligand files. :param extension: The file extension of the ligand files. :return: A list of `Path` objects representing the ligand files. """ return list(ligand_file_dir.rglob(f"*.{extension}"))